We thank you for sending us a letter about your concerns about MSC Olympics and being the voice of our fellow students. Surely, we are all affected by the fact that we don’t have the systematic way of information dissemination regarding the schedule of activities or games this Intramurals. We, The MSCians staffers, are also having a hard time in coping up with this reality.
As the world examines about the achievements and challenges of having a modern-day technology that makes distribution of materials much easier, we must take a critical look at the conflicting realities that made MSC to have a limited time in preparing for this week-long activity.
Because of the predetermined schedule of STRASUC Olympics, the College decided to hold our intramurals two weeks before the midterm examination which gave us barely a month to prepare for it. Not only had the participating units juggled their time for the annual festival of talents, but so as the administration and officials who organized everything to make this a reality. Let’s imagine all the paper works added to their loads, the pressure getting into their heads.
Moreover, as preemptive measure against any possible harm Typhoon Ompong may cause, the Olympics’ administrators had postponed important meetings and groundings until the typhoon signal in our province has been lifted. This action to ensure the general welfare and safety of the MSC community may have blocked the event managers to have further planning, and missed the chance to suitably establish a definite schedule for this year’s MSC Olympics.
Unforeseen events during the Intramural Week also occurred as days passed by. Being not totally ready for these, MSC is restricted to have proper scheme of info spreading even with the presence of modernized technology.
We hope that we have answered your questions, and look forward to hearing from you in due course
The Editor